Introducing Bergquist Gap Pad TGP 40000SF and Bergquist Gap Pad TGP 18000SF, the two newest silicone free gap pads from Henkel. These fantastic thermally conductive fillers excel with heat transfer thanks to their z-axis orientation which allows for heat to transfer effectively from component to heat spreader.
Due to the no-cure system these products have, it makes it simple to pick and place them allowing for them to be reworkable. On top of this, due to their non-silicone polymer binder there is very low amount of bleed/ outgas from these Gap Pads. With their elastomeric properties, both the 40000SF and 18000SF have a high temp reliability for a non-silicone gap pad.

The differences in properties
- 40 W/mK
- 0.39 K-cm2/W @ 20psi for 0.5mm pads
- Not electrically insulating
- Carbon-based fillers in elastomer matrix
- 18 W/mK
- 0.67 K-cm2/W @20psi for 0.5mm pads
- Electrically Insulating
- Ceramic based fillers in elastomer matrix
Typical applications include:
- 5g Telecoms – servers, switches, routers
- Automotive ADAS – vehicle control units, radar sensors and power modules
- HDDs, CPUs, GPUs and ASICs in high end computing and gaming
- Aerospace and Defence – embedded processors and satellite payloads
- High thermal performance requirements
- Optical transceivers, lasers and Satellite payloads
- Thicker bondline requirements.
- Where disassembly may occur
- No post-processing is preferred – power modules using solders requiring reflow
- Immersion cooling applications in datacentres

For a more in depth look at these two new products visit their specific product pages where you can enquire about them!
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