EMI Shielding

Adhesives and Encapsulants

Antiviral Materials
Did you know the most common way people spread disease and infections is via touch. Hands are typically used to catch coughs and sneezes from your body, as well as interact with surfaces around the home. With HITEK’s range of copper tapes and touchscreen protective film, we aim to reduce the spread of germs and virus’ in and around homes and business.

Thermal Management
The thermal management range is designed specifically to prevent heat and thermal impedances. These products are engineered to enhance system performance and improve reliability by effectively managing thermal energy. Ranging from Bergquist pads to Chomerics tapes and Therm-a-Gap, the range has all the requirements needed to protect your electronics.
Our thermal management range includes Phase Change Materials, Super Thermal Conductive Sheets (STC), Thermal Gap Fillers, Thermal Insulating Pads, Thermally Conductive Attachment Tapes, Thermally Conductive Greases and Thermally Conductive Electrical Insulator Pads

HSL Descaler
Industrial descalers are used to remove limescale from water systems. They are environmentally friendly with one of the lowest corrosion rates on the market