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Thank You For Visiting!

EMCIA - Thank you for visiting

We would like to issue a massive Thank You to everyone who came and visited the HITEK stand @EMC&CI!

No doubt that our amazing team of @CameronFinch and @MoKhan were able to answer any questions or queries that you had about #protectingyourelectronics. It was great to see familiar faces as well as new people that have taken an interest into what HITEK has to offer!

As this exhibition has come to a close we now look forward to the next so catch us next time at The Emergency Services Show on stand E57!

#Exhibtion #ThankYou #OntoTheNext

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EMC&CI Day 1 – Cooldown

EMCIA Day 1 cooldown

That is officially a wrap for Day 1 of EMC & COMPLIANCE INTERNATIONAL and as you can see it was a busy one for our Mo Khan (MSc) who took some time to partake in an interview about HITEK!

Be sure to stop by stand 18 tomorrow to discuss all things #protectingyourelectronics on the second and last day of this great exhibition with Mo Khan (MSc) and Cameron Finch!

MicrosoftTeams image 98

#EndofDay1 #Exhibition #EMC

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Southern Manufacturing – 1 Day Away!

Only one more day to go until we kickstart our exhibition calendar by exhibiting at @Southern Manufacturing!

Stand H175 is where you will be able to locate our @Cameron Finch, @Roger Dent and @Mo Khan where they will be able to discuss all things #protectingyourelectronics with you.

If you haven’t already registered its not too late. Register here: Register to Visit for Free – Southern Manufacturing and Electronics (

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Southern Manufacturing – 1 Week Away!

In a weeks time HITEK return to @SouthernManufacturing as our first exhibition of the year!

Our @Cameron Finch, @Roger Dent and @Mo Khan will be on stand H175 to discuss all things #protectingyourelectronics

Make sure to register if you haven’t already: Register to Visit for Free – Southern Manufacturing and Electronics (

#Exhibiton #SouthernManufacturing #1week