Protection & Removal

Cortec Anti-Corrosion Products

Outstanding materials from Cortec that protect systems, parts and equipment from corrosion. Providing superior corrosion protection in adverse conditions and the ability of use on multiple metals.


VpCI or Vapour phase Corrosion Inhibitors are a revolutionary technology that simplifies corrosion protection and is ideal for keeping enclosed void spaces (e.g. packages, equipment internals, or structural metal cavities) rust-free.

VpCI can be supplied in many forms, from packaging materials to additives for water, oil and fuel systems.

Applications include:

  • Machined parts protection
  • Shipping protection
  • Short to long-term protection of assets during lay-up/maintenance periods
  • Long-term storage without the need for controlled humidity environments
  • Reduced corrosion rates for equipment in use in high corrosion environment


ProductPackagingOil-Based VpCIsEmittersPlastics & FilmsWater-Based VpCIsRust Removal
Cor Pak Bubbles
Cor Pak Linerboard
Cor Pak VpCI Cold Seal Film
Cor Pak VpCI Reinforced Paper
Corrosorber VpCI Paper
CorrVerter Rust Primer
CorWipe 500 Heavy-Duty Cleaner Degreaser
MilCorr VpCI Shrink Film
VpCI 101 Foam Device Emitter
VpCI 105 Foam Device Emitter
VpCI 111 Emitter
VpCI 126 All versions
VpCI 130 Series Impregnated Foams
VpCI 144 Corrosion Inhibiting Paper
VpCI 145 Static Dissipative Corrosion Inhibiting Paper
VpCI 146 Corrosion Inhibiting Paper
VpCI 146 Creped Paper
VpCI 323
VpCI 325
VpCI 329
VpCI 350 AHS
VpCI 350
VpCI 357
VpCI 369 and VpCI 369 H CorShield
VpCI 372
VpCI 415
VpCI 416
VpCI 422
VpCI 423 Gel Eco Air
VpCI 425
VpCI 426 and 426 Powder
VpCI 426 Gel
VpCI 428
VpCI 432 and 433
VpCI 609

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